Serve Sturgis

What to expect:


Other Info:

We are going to Sturgis, South Dakota! Mission projects in Sturgis will include construction, block parties, Backyard Bible Clubs and VBS, Community Outreach, and more

More Information on mission work will be announced closer to time.
Estimate Cost: Approx $907
Includes: Meals, Lodging, Round Trip flight

*We will do fundraisers to help with cost*

A $50 Deposit is due by Sunday, March 10th. This is not a commitment, but to start the process of booking airfare.
While there we will plan to take Friday, June 28th as a sight seeing day and visit Mt. Rushmore together before departing Saturday Morning.

For More information please contact Bro. Tony Jones

How Do I Pay or Donate?

To pay your deposit please select the box that says Pay Deposit Here.
To make donations toward the trip please select the box that says Donate.

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