The Chosen Devotions: BEFORE
Credit: YouVerison: The Chosen Plan
Isaiah 43:1
Now this is what the Lord says the one who created you, Jacob, and the one who formed you, Israel "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name you are mine"
Now this is what the Lord says the one who created you, Jacob, and the one who formed you, Israel "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name you are mine"
Every follower of Jesus has a not-so-great "before": A rash, brash fisherman. Fancy-pants religious leader. A thieving indifferent tax collector. And yet God calls people in the "before" when they are not even aware that they are simply broken versions of themselves. God calls people before Ge begins His transformative work of redemption because He sees beyond the "before" to what He purposed and planned. He sees beyond our lives before we come to know him because He loves us and wants to call us his own. Israel is an example.
Isaiah prophesied over God's chosen nation: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you" (Isaiah 43:1) and not during a time of obedience but rebellion. A time that was filled with idol worship, wandering hearts, and intense sin, not to mention all the painful consequences they were experiencing as a result of their choices. It was spoken long before their repentance. "I have called you by name, you are mine," he continues in verse 1. When Isaiah spoke those words, Israel was rebelling against all God had done for them and wanted to do. But God didn't turn away; He showed mercy. He spoke His love over His chosen people, claiming them as His own before they agreed to be. He entered into their "before"
God speaks what is true over us too; His plan of redemption is on the march because he has called us by name. Our choices don't derail HIs. What we see when we look in the mirror doesn't determine what He sees or who we'll be by His hand, so our brokenness doesn't alter His plans. Nor do circumstances, other people, or our own choices determine our value; Our value is assigned by the One we belong to. We don't have to fear. God can redeem your choices and use them for good. God can heal your heart, your body, and your relationships. You were made for more than what you've experienced so far. Fear Not, Jesus has overcome everything.
Every follower of Jesus at some point had a not-so-great before. That was until they had their "after". Peter went from denying Jesus to being the rock of the early church. Nicodemus understood that there was more to the scripture he had devoted his life to studying, and I believe realized that Jesus was the messiah. Matthew the tax collector. Left a high-paying job to follow Jesus. When you truly follow Jesus your life will dramatically change. Have you had that change?
Isaiah prophesied over God's chosen nation: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you" (Isaiah 43:1) and not during a time of obedience but rebellion. A time that was filled with idol worship, wandering hearts, and intense sin, not to mention all the painful consequences they were experiencing as a result of their choices. It was spoken long before their repentance. "I have called you by name, you are mine," he continues in verse 1. When Isaiah spoke those words, Israel was rebelling against all God had done for them and wanted to do. But God didn't turn away; He showed mercy. He spoke His love over His chosen people, claiming them as His own before they agreed to be. He entered into their "before"
God speaks what is true over us too; His plan of redemption is on the march because he has called us by name. Our choices don't derail HIs. What we see when we look in the mirror doesn't determine what He sees or who we'll be by His hand, so our brokenness doesn't alter His plans. Nor do circumstances, other people, or our own choices determine our value; Our value is assigned by the One we belong to. We don't have to fear. God can redeem your choices and use them for good. God can heal your heart, your body, and your relationships. You were made for more than what you've experienced so far. Fear Not, Jesus has overcome everything.
Every follower of Jesus at some point had a not-so-great before. That was until they had their "after". Peter went from denying Jesus to being the rock of the early church. Nicodemus understood that there was more to the scripture he had devoted his life to studying, and I believe realized that Jesus was the messiah. Matthew the tax collector. Left a high-paying job to follow Jesus. When you truly follow Jesus your life will dramatically change. Have you had that change?
Thank you, God for knowing me by name and calling me to one of your own. Thank you for redeeming me from my old sinful life and I ask that you help me remain changed through temptation and other challenges in my life.
Thank you, God for knowing me by name and calling me to one of your own. Thank you for redeeming me from my old sinful life and I ask that you help me remain changed through temptation and other challenges in my life.
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