30 For 30 Challenge: Day 14
Psalm 9:10
Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.
The Bible is God's best plan for knowing Him. Because of this, it should be an essential part of our daily lives to read, meditate, and pray with God. That's a truth. But here's another truth that you will quickly see important as well. Most of you reading this live extremely busy lives with little time spent by yourself without any distractions. And when you do have alone time, you're often exhausted. You play sports or cheer. You play in the band or are involved in school clubs. You go fishing or do activities. You may have a job and come home to do a lot of homework. You go to church when you can and you volunteer time to time. All of this leads to you being busy. You know you should spend time with God, but you're super busy. How do you make this work?
Read Psalm 9:10. Use this verse as a guide to help you rethink the way you engage with God through Scripture and through prayer. The heart of the habit of spending time with God in the Bible is seeking God. Because we love Him, we seek Him. We seek to know him more fully. This verse says that God will honor your seeking. in other words, He'll meet you and allow Himself to be found by you.
If the pace of your life prevents you from finding meaningful time with Him, and it doesn't look like the pace of your life is going to change any time soon, then you need to change HOW you meet with God in His word. Here are a few ways you can do that.
1.) Stop Beating Yourself Up If You Can't Seem To Find Time Alone or Miss A Day To Read Your Bible.
I like to encourage youth to spend 15 to 30 minutes sometime throughout the day whether it's before, during, or after school. We created these devos for you to make a habit of spending time with God. However, I bet that for some you feel guilty because it is a struggle to find the time. I've changed the way I think about this because I know youth today are busy. However, don't use this as an excuse to not do it. You will try to make time for the things you care about the most.
2.) View Your Day As A Bucket Full Of Opportunities To Engage With God Every Day.
What if you read your Bible for a couple of minutes before practice? What if you listened to the Bible app while you waited for the bus or went to school? Maybe even walking to class. What if you made it a point to look around you and find things that point you to God and praise Him for it? You may even keep a verse on a notecard or spend a few minutes talking to God throughout the day. Whatever you choose if you want to grow find ways to engage with God.
3.) The Best Way To Interact With God In The Bible Is Still To Seek Him Out.
Jesus modeled this for us. And it is still the best way. Why don't you start by using some of those ideas we just mentioned? Why don't you start out trying to find 15 to 20 minutes a day of uninterrupted prayer and Bible reading in small amounts? Give it a try. This week see how you can make spending time with God a part of your daily routine. You will be surprised how much closer to God you will feel.
Read Psalm 9:10. Use this verse as a guide to help you rethink the way you engage with God through Scripture and through prayer. The heart of the habit of spending time with God in the Bible is seeking God. Because we love Him, we seek Him. We seek to know him more fully. This verse says that God will honor your seeking. in other words, He'll meet you and allow Himself to be found by you.
If the pace of your life prevents you from finding meaningful time with Him, and it doesn't look like the pace of your life is going to change any time soon, then you need to change HOW you meet with God in His word. Here are a few ways you can do that.
1.) Stop Beating Yourself Up If You Can't Seem To Find Time Alone or Miss A Day To Read Your Bible.
I like to encourage youth to spend 15 to 30 minutes sometime throughout the day whether it's before, during, or after school. We created these devos for you to make a habit of spending time with God. However, I bet that for some you feel guilty because it is a struggle to find the time. I've changed the way I think about this because I know youth today are busy. However, don't use this as an excuse to not do it. You will try to make time for the things you care about the most.
2.) View Your Day As A Bucket Full Of Opportunities To Engage With God Every Day.
What if you read your Bible for a couple of minutes before practice? What if you listened to the Bible app while you waited for the bus or went to school? Maybe even walking to class. What if you made it a point to look around you and find things that point you to God and praise Him for it? You may even keep a verse on a notecard or spend a few minutes talking to God throughout the day. Whatever you choose if you want to grow find ways to engage with God.
3.) The Best Way To Interact With God In The Bible Is Still To Seek Him Out.
Jesus modeled this for us. And it is still the best way. Why don't you start by using some of those ideas we just mentioned? Why don't you start out trying to find 15 to 20 minutes a day of uninterrupted prayer and Bible reading in small amounts? Give it a try. This week see how you can make spending time with God a part of your daily routine. You will be surprised how much closer to God you will feel.
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