The Chosen Devotions: COME AND SEE
Credit: YouVerison: The Chosen Plan
John 1:43
The next day Jesus decided to leave for Galilee. He found Philip and told him, "Follow me."
The next day Jesus decided to leave for Galilee. He found Philip and told him, "Follow me."
Come and see what an interesting strategy. Like Andrew and Peter, Philip hardly knew the one he now believed was the Messiah. In fact, the only thing we know for sure is that Jesus said, "Follow me." What occurred between him seeing to him following? Nathaniel's first few moments with Jesus give us a clue. Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him and said of him, "Behold, an Israelite in whom there is no deceit!" Nathanael said to him, "How do you know me?" Jesus answered him, "Before Philip called you when you were under the fig tree, I saw you," Nathaniel answered him, "Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!" (John 1:47-49)
Jesus had a disarming way about Him. Nathanael was humoring his friend Philip and probably his own curiosity, but he was skeptical of Jesus and clearly, a bit hesitant. The town of Nazareth was very small and considered by its neighbors to be uneducated, unreformed, and unrefined. In Nathanael's mind, anyone born and raised there could not possibly be the Messiah they had been waiting for, and he was quick to say so. His attitude made Jesus' first words to Nathanael so interesting and gracious. Instead of talking down to Nathaniel, He called him honest and it caught Nathanael off guard. He was indeed a person who spoke his mind, and he was proud of it. Why? Here is what changed Nathaniel's view of Jesus. Jesus had been watching him and not just while he sat under a tree. Jesus knew Nathanael's values, and all about him to the point it was clear evidence that Jesus was not a fake. Philip told him to come and see but Jesus did the convincing. As he always does. Nathaniel and the other disciples were in for the ride of a lifetime.
When Nathaniel realized that Jesus was the messiah I believe that he was smiling because he found the one he longed for. Nathanael along with the other disciples would see miracles, healings, and things only God could do. How could you not smile and be amazed by those things? Jesus is asking us to do the same thing today. He wants us to experience a life full of joy and hope that only He can give. Not just when we feel like we need it, but instead on a daily basis. He also wants us as followers of him to ask those around us "come and see" the one that has changed me.
Jesus had a disarming way about Him. Nathanael was humoring his friend Philip and probably his own curiosity, but he was skeptical of Jesus and clearly, a bit hesitant. The town of Nazareth was very small and considered by its neighbors to be uneducated, unreformed, and unrefined. In Nathanael's mind, anyone born and raised there could not possibly be the Messiah they had been waiting for, and he was quick to say so. His attitude made Jesus' first words to Nathanael so interesting and gracious. Instead of talking down to Nathaniel, He called him honest and it caught Nathanael off guard. He was indeed a person who spoke his mind, and he was proud of it. Why? Here is what changed Nathaniel's view of Jesus. Jesus had been watching him and not just while he sat under a tree. Jesus knew Nathanael's values, and all about him to the point it was clear evidence that Jesus was not a fake. Philip told him to come and see but Jesus did the convincing. As he always does. Nathaniel and the other disciples were in for the ride of a lifetime.
When Nathaniel realized that Jesus was the messiah I believe that he was smiling because he found the one he longed for. Nathanael along with the other disciples would see miracles, healings, and things only God could do. How could you not smile and be amazed by those things? Jesus is asking us to do the same thing today. He wants us to experience a life full of joy and hope that only He can give. Not just when we feel like we need it, but instead on a daily basis. He also wants us as followers of him to ask those around us "come and see" the one that has changed me.
Write out your come to Jesus story. How did you meet Him? How did He change your mind about who He is and what is true?
Who is someone in your life who needs to "come and see" Jesus?
Who is someone in your life who needs to "come and see" Jesus?
God thank you for calling me to come and see the works that only you can do. Thank you for calling me to follow you. I ask that you show me someone that I can introduce you to them just like Philip.
God thank you for calling me to come and see the works that only you can do. Thank you for calling me to follow you. I ask that you show me someone that I can introduce you to them just like Philip.
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