30 For 30 Challenge: Day 13
Jeremiah 29:13
You will seek me and fine me when you seek me with all your heart
Be honest. What is your attitude toward the Bible? To help you out what do you feel about spending time reading your Bible on your own or doing a Bible Study at church. Now think about your effort. Have you made the effort to spend time reading your Bible in the last two weeks. What about the last two months?
The goal isn't to make you feel guilty by any means, but instead to challenge you to change the way you think about spiritual habits. The one we are focusing on today is Bible reading. I have gone through seasons in my life where I simply couldn't build up the joy of reading the Bible on my own. Here I am talking to you about reading God's word, yet I still go through stages where I struggle with my personal time of Bible reading. It is not something I feel particularly good about, but it's the truth. My guess is that you may too. If this describes you, I want you to pass along something I think God showed me that has really changed my attitude toward meeting Him in His word
Read Psalm 119:9-16. Can you feel the passion the author has for God and His word?
I want you to know that is IS possible for you to have this level of passion for reading the Bible. But first, you have to begin by breaking down a preconceived notion many of us have about the Bible. What is it?
Reading your Bible isn't a chore. It's not a box to be checked off. If you do it with a bad attitude or just to do it, it doesn't magically make you a better Christian. Opening your Bible and reading it is an appointment with God Himself. If the Bible is God's main way of making Himself known to us, then reading the Bible is the closest we'll get to this side of heaven to know Him. You absolutely, 100% have to stop seeing your quiet time as a task and see it as a chance to meet God in the pages of the Bible.
Here's the deal: Most of us view our daily quiet time as a chore, a task we have to do because we know we're supposed to do it. We have to do it and if we don't do it we feel guilty and terrible and like we're not a good Christian like everybody else. This kind of thinking is exhausting. And it's the exact opposite of how God wants us to feel.
The goal isn't to make you feel guilty by any means, but instead to challenge you to change the way you think about spiritual habits. The one we are focusing on today is Bible reading. I have gone through seasons in my life where I simply couldn't build up the joy of reading the Bible on my own. Here I am talking to you about reading God's word, yet I still go through stages where I struggle with my personal time of Bible reading. It is not something I feel particularly good about, but it's the truth. My guess is that you may too. If this describes you, I want you to pass along something I think God showed me that has really changed my attitude toward meeting Him in His word
Read Psalm 119:9-16. Can you feel the passion the author has for God and His word?
I want you to know that is IS possible for you to have this level of passion for reading the Bible. But first, you have to begin by breaking down a preconceived notion many of us have about the Bible. What is it?
Reading your Bible isn't a chore. It's not a box to be checked off. If you do it with a bad attitude or just to do it, it doesn't magically make you a better Christian. Opening your Bible and reading it is an appointment with God Himself. If the Bible is God's main way of making Himself known to us, then reading the Bible is the closest we'll get to this side of heaven to know Him. You absolutely, 100% have to stop seeing your quiet time as a task and see it as a chance to meet God in the pages of the Bible.
Here's the deal: Most of us view our daily quiet time as a chore, a task we have to do because we know we're supposed to do it. We have to do it and if we don't do it we feel guilty and terrible and like we're not a good Christian like everybody else. This kind of thinking is exhausting. And it's the exact opposite of how God wants us to feel.
Read and think about these verses:
Jeremiah 29:13, Psalm 1:2-3, Psalm 119:35, 1 Chronicles 16:10-11
Ask God to create in you the same passion for knowing Him and His Word as is reflected in these verses
Read and think about these verses:
Jeremiah 29:13, Psalm 1:2-3, Psalm 119:35, 1 Chronicles 16:10-11
Ask God to create in you the same passion for knowing Him and His Word as is reflected in these verses
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