I Ain't Fallin For It!
Day 1
Judges 21:25
In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.
In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.
The book of Judges is a hard book to read. It's full of violence, arrogance, and just a complete cycle of nation who turned its back on God. This verse is how the Book of Judges ends. There were no rules or laws being upheld because there was no leader, especially one who cared for to keep control. Everyone just did what they thought was right, and they were left in their own sinfulness. The nation cried out for a king. One who would lead them perfectly, who was always right, and just. So God answered their cries and appointed Saul. Ultimately, he failed because he let pride and jealously conquer him. Many other kings, 41 to be exact were appointed after Saul, and all but 7 were wicked. However, even the 7 who did what was right still had their flaws such as David. What we see in Judges 21:25 is a nation searching for ways to fulfill their hearts desires and they cry for a king when in reality the one that they were longing for was Jesus, the one true king. All the things we want in a leader can be found in Jesus. He his all perfect, holy, loving, merciful, and righteous. Do you realize that? What your heart most wants, desires, needs, is found in Jesus. It is easy to believe in Satans lies that the more money or popular we get the more we will be happy. The better we are at sports or making better grades will give us joy. In reality when we follow our own our hearts we are being lead to brokeness, sinfulness, and longing for more things to fill the void we have in our heart. The only way we can fill that void is finding Jesus, and it is until we allow Christ to be the driver of our life that we found true joy, peace, and rest.
How does your view of who God is affect how you desire to trust HIs ways?
What is something you are trying to do to fulfill your hearts desires?
How does your view of who God is affect how you desire to trust HIs ways?
What is something you are trying to do to fulfill your hearts desires?
Posted in I Aint Fallin For It Devotionals
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