30 for 30 Challenge: Day 5
Read: Joshua 4:1-7
and tell them to take up twelve stones from the middle of the Jordan, from right where the priests are standing, and carry them over with you and put them down at the place where you stay tonight.” (v.3)
Waiting. This is what the Israelites had to do for 40 years. They waited 40 years to enter the land that was promised to them by God. It was a big deal. So big enough that Joshua told them to make a marker, which was a pile of stones. He wanted the Israelites to remember that moment in their faith based journey with God, and to show that how God was, is, and always will be faithful.
If you stay close to God throughout your life, you will have spiritual markers where you can look back and see evidence of God working in your life. One of those markers for me is when I accepted the call of becoming a youth director. I was nervous, debating if I was ready, and even confused because I still had an urge to go back to baseball as a player when a door cracked open. However I took the leap of faith and said yes and never looked back. I had to adjust and learn many lessons along the way, but I can tell you that God has worked tremendously in my life.
I had already began to talk my walk serious but this took it to another level. Maybe for you that marker is Souled out, a moment at church, or maybe even a time where God brought you out of a tough season in life. Whatever it is I want you think about that marker. Has that moment in your life changed your desire to grow closer to God?
Today I want to encourage you that today to will be the day that you get serious in your faith. To pursuit God in a real way. You are halfway through the first week of the 30 for 30 challenge, and its time to make the decision. Are you ready to grow in your faith? More importantly are you truly wanting to grow in your faith and own it? If you are serious about seeing your faith truly become a real presence in your life today can be one of those spiritual markers in your life. Today I want you trust that God will honor your desires. Trust that the Holy Spirit will work within you to draw you closer to God, making you more like Him in the process. Its a long journey, but its a wonderful journey.
The second thing I want you to do is to right down a list of markers in your life. Then I want you to make one that will help you remember this moment. Whatever you do take the time to mark this moment. It may very well turn out to be a turning point in your faith. Spend sometime in silent reflection. Listen to God. Praise Him. Reflect on this change you're making in your life. Say a prayer asking God to honor your desire to grow. You can pray whatever you would like . But if you want you can follow the short prayer below. Pray and reflect today.
If you stay close to God throughout your life, you will have spiritual markers where you can look back and see evidence of God working in your life. One of those markers for me is when I accepted the call of becoming a youth director. I was nervous, debating if I was ready, and even confused because I still had an urge to go back to baseball as a player when a door cracked open. However I took the leap of faith and said yes and never looked back. I had to adjust and learn many lessons along the way, but I can tell you that God has worked tremendously in my life.
I had already began to talk my walk serious but this took it to another level. Maybe for you that marker is Souled out, a moment at church, or maybe even a time where God brought you out of a tough season in life. Whatever it is I want you think about that marker. Has that moment in your life changed your desire to grow closer to God?
Today I want to encourage you that today to will be the day that you get serious in your faith. To pursuit God in a real way. You are halfway through the first week of the 30 for 30 challenge, and its time to make the decision. Are you ready to grow in your faith? More importantly are you truly wanting to grow in your faith and own it? If you are serious about seeing your faith truly become a real presence in your life today can be one of those spiritual markers in your life. Today I want you trust that God will honor your desires. Trust that the Holy Spirit will work within you to draw you closer to God, making you more like Him in the process. Its a long journey, but its a wonderful journey.
The second thing I want you to do is to right down a list of markers in your life. Then I want you to make one that will help you remember this moment. Whatever you do take the time to mark this moment. It may very well turn out to be a turning point in your faith. Spend sometime in silent reflection. Listen to God. Praise Him. Reflect on this change you're making in your life. Say a prayer asking God to honor your desire to grow. You can pray whatever you would like . But if you want you can follow the short prayer below. Pray and reflect today.
Father, I praise you because of how awesome you are. Thank you for loving me and for calling me into a relationship with you. God, I'm ready to get serious about my faith. I'm ready to take more ownership in my journey with you. Please help me know what this looks like. Guide me. Give me strength. Encourage me. And most importantly, remind me of your presence as we move forward together. Thank you for your goodness, love, and grace you surround me with. In your Son's name I pray. Amen
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