Trapped By Jealousy

Matthew 5:25-14
"Well done, good and faithful servant! You were faithful over a few things: I will put you in charge of many things (v.21)
Jesus taught the parable of the talents as a guideline on how believers were to wait for His return. The key lesson is that they were to take whatever gifts they had been given and multiply them for His kingdom. But the parable is overwhelmingly rich in its details. Notice that each servant receives differing talents (a large amount of money), according to their varied abilities No other explanation is given. Notice what master's distribution of money; they just went to servants. Both men, whether given two or five talents, were given a few things. Now they would be given many things to oversee. Finally, notice the affirmation the master gives: "well done!"

What could these details mean for us? Jesus dispenses HIs gifts to us, with no explanation given for His choice. We are to trust that he knows best and gets to work. Yet how many of us find ourselves getting jealous over positions, talents, or things that other people have. The energy spent in envy and competition could instead be used for the Kingdom. How do we escape the trap that is called jealousy?

We escape it only in contentment, and we find that only in one place: in the affirmation of Jesus. He is able to reach down into our stories and personally affirms and change us. It is the experience of feeling deeply loved, each though we are deeply flawed, that can release us to be content with ourselves and our gifts. Then we can get to work for His Kingdom

Father thank you for sending your son Jesus to make us right with you. It is easy for me to look at the things and talents that others have that I forget the ones you have given me. Teach me to be grateful for all that I have, and to remember the blessings you give me every day.

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