Why Do We Need A New Life?

A Devotion created by YM360 to share
Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord
Why do you need a new life?
This is an important question to ask. You need a new life because, without it, you're dead. Seriously. See, when God created the world and everything in it, He made Adam and Eve to be perfect. After all, God is perfect. And His creation to walk and talk with him. Which meant they had to be perfect, too. The only problem was that they broke God's trust. They became not perfect. Adam and Eve rebelled against God. The Bible calls this sin. And rebellion against God earned Adam and Eve separation from God and eventual death.

This verse for today was written by Paul the Romans. Just like when you get a job and your work earns you a wage, our sin actually earns the wage of death for us. However, the rest of the verse brings hope. "but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord". Because Jesus is the son of God, perfect, He was the only one that could make this right between man and God. He gave his life for yours. Because of the love that God has for you, He wanted to give you a new life. He gave his one and only son as John 3:16 says so you could be changed.

By dying on the cross and coming back to life on the third day, Jesus paid the wage of death that your sin earned you. Jesus bought you life. You're alive only because of the sacrifice Jesus made in our place. You could never have been good enough or tried hard enough to save yourself. Your sin would have always kept you separated from God. But Jesus took care of that. And by accepting and believing what Jesus did on your behalf, you have gained life. You were dead. But not now, ALIVE.

Thank you for loving me the way you on the days that I feel unworthy of your love. Thank you for sending you son Jesus to allow us to have a new life away from sin. I pray that you remind me how your new life can be used to help other people know you.

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