30 For 30 Challenge: Day 2

Today you're going to get the chance to fill out a simple questionnaire that will get you to think about your faith today, and where you want to see it in the future. Think of it as a goal you are setting.


All your answers will be anonymous and mixed. This is just to give us an idea of where the group as a whole is in their faith. This form is separate from your devotion form to get credit

This little quiz is not designed to make you feel bad. No one is keeping score. By asking these questions, we wanted you to take a moment to think about where you are with God.

How are you feeling about your faith? Maybe your faith is a vital part of your life or it may not be. You may read your Bible 15 or more times a week or never outside of church. No matter which area you are in your walk God has called you to pursue Him. He wants you to grow closer to Him. If you feel that desire to do something about it you have come to the right place. Tomorrow you will jump in on how to think when it comes to growing your faith.

For now, spend a few moments to talk to God and tell Him how you feel now that you have taken some time to think about things between you two.

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