Trust God With Your Life

Judges 13:1-24
I recently just had a birthday, and something that not many people know about me is the fact I was born 2 and half months early. I was born early due to my mom having a medical emergency, and it was to the point they asked my dad if they could only save one who would it be?  I am sometimes referred as a "Miracle Baby".

In the Bible there as a Miracle Baby named Samson who would on day be on of the Judges that God raises up to save Israel. However, Samson did not live out his purpose until it led him being in prison and blind. Samson was born a Nazarite. They did not cut their hair, drink alcohol, and they followed the law of Jewish culture. This was not the life Samson choose, but instead he was a violent, arrogant, prideful man. Just like we talked about yesterday, Samson did was right in his own eyes. Samson rebelled against God by living a life that pleased him instead of living a life dedicated to God. Although he was full of sin, God still brought Samson in this world for a purpose. Although Samson sinfulness cost him his sight and strength.

In our life there is no doubt that we rebel against God by sinning. We are born into a sinful world after all. Sometimes the pain and the hurt we fill is because its where our sin led us. Sin looks good, but it leads us down the the wrong path with no true purpose. Paul writes in Roman 6:23 that we deserve the punishment of death for our sin. However, that is until Jesus stepped in our place by dying on the cross for us. In Proverbs 3:5-6 scripture tells us that God will make our paths straight if we just trust His way instead of our own. God has a purpose for everyones life. I was born for a purpose, it took me until i was 17 to realize my purpose, but I put my trust in Him even when I don't understand it. Like Samson, God has shown me great mercy for my trying to trust my own purpose. I am thankful for his mercy!

1.) What are some areas in your life you need God to have mercy on you?
2.) How have you downplayed or ignored God in your life?

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