30 For 30 Challenge: Day 12

Today I want you to think about habits. Just as we talked about last night, habits are a part of our daily lives. For some, the habit is getting up to exercise, for others, it's drinking coffee and relaxing. We include habits throughout our entire day. If we want to grow in our faith somewhere throughout the day we must make a habit to spend time with God. There are four habits that come to mind. Bible reading, Prayer, Worship, and service. You have no doubt heard these before. in fact, many of you may be feeling familiar feelings of boredom right now because you think you've heard all there is to hear about these habits.

Today's goal is to challenge you more than you ever have been before and position these habits in a new, relevant light. We are going few minutes today to look at where and how we see these habits described in scripture. After all, you can't take my word for it. We need to see if these habits are present in the Bible. Look up the passages below. Then write down how the passages talk about each of the respective habits.

Reading God's Word
Read Psalm 1:2 and Psalm 19:7-8

Read Psalm 5:3 and Philippians 4:6

Read Hebrews 12:28

Read Ephesians 6:7

The Bible speaks about each of these habits in these passages and in countless others. Learning to embrace these habits is a crucial part of growing in your faith. For the rest of this week we are going to discuss implementing these habits in your life. For today spend. For today, spend a few minutes talking with God in prayer. Ask God to give you a desire to grow closer to Him through these habits. Pray for the strength to commit to them as a way to grow your faith. 

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