30 For 30 Challenge: Day 15

The Lord is near all who call on him to all who call on him in truth
Psalm 145:18

What if you had a best friend you never talked to? You guys are super close. You know all about each other. The two of you have a lot in common. Your friend may even be a huge influence in your life. But rarely talk to them; when you do, you only talk to them to ask for a favor. Then you run off because you don't want to hear their response to the favor.

Could a relationship work this way? Of course not. Yet for many people that is how we treat our relationship with God. If this is you, don't feel bad because you are not the only one. This is what a lot of people's prayer life looks like in their life.

Prayer is an essential part of our relationship with God, and an important part of our growth. How often do you pray to God? It may be daily. Maybe A few times a week. Or it might be a few times a month. Which one describes you? Now I want you to think about when you do pray what do you pray for?

When I was your age my prayer life was centered around myself. I would pray for things that would make me look good. My faith was immature and weak. I didn't have a deep connection with my faith; instead, I spent more time asking God for things, which negatively impacted my life because my view on prayer was wrong. I'm not saying we shouldn't ask God for things we need because I 100% encourage that! I am saying that when we pray we should spend more time focusing on God, the world, friends, or others. God wants to meet our needs, and He will if we are truly desiring Him. When we rethink how we approach prayer we can take our faith to another level. Praying to God is literally like talking to your best friend. You don't have to say anything special or fancy words. Your just talking to God the one who created all things just as you would a friend.

Read Ephesians 1:15-17, Philippians 1:3-7, And Colossians 1:9-12

What do these prayers have in common? In all of them, Paul was praying for others. We know that Paul asked God for things. But he spent more time praying on issues outside of himself. That is your challenge today.

I want you to write down 3 of your close friends or family to pray for this week. Next, I want you to write down 2 names of someone that does not have a relationship with Christ. Lastly, I want you to pray for something that is going on in school, your work, or the world. Spend time this week praying for the things you have listed. Put that list on your mirror, fridge, or wallpaper of your phone to help remind you to pray for them. Also Ask God to grow your prayer life, and to grow to care about the people and issues around you. Ask Him to open your eyes in the needs of the community around you.

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