30 For 30 Challenge: Day 21

Using your influence is one of the most effective ways of sharing your faith.

Last week in the devotions we talked about 4 levels of spiritual habits. Today we are going to talk about a fifth one called Evangelism.  Sharing the Gospel with those who don't know Christ, is one of the core habits in growing your faith. It's interesting how culture has impacted how people share and receive discussions about faith. Generations ago, it was more culturally acceptable to simply walk up to a stranger and ask something like, "if you died tonight, where would you spend eternity?" More often than not, you'd have an engaging conversation, And while there was certainly no guarantee of someone coming to faith in Christ, the conversation stood a fairly good chance of being effective, if not at least well received.

Many people who study this sort of thing have been saying for a while that these types of conversation aren't nearly as effective in our current culture. While this may be true, it's important that we never put limitations on the Holy Spirit. God may very well lead you to approach strangers and talk about your faith, and God may have been working on these people's hearts ahead of time. And you may find yourself leading someone you just met to Christ in the middle of the Walmart parking lot. This happens. But when you consider how our culture has changed, you may find that what people refer to as evangelism or sharing the Gospel may be more effective.

Acts chapters 24-26 is an awesome passage to read. Paul was on trial for defending himself against the accusations of the Jews. Paul appeared before three different Roman officials over the course of what many believers may have been a few years. Over this time, Paul developed a relationship with these rulers. Now, they weren't all that close but, Paul used what relationship he had to influence them and to share the Gospel. Are we taking every opportunity that we can to share the good news of Jesus?


Spend time today answering these questions:

1.) How do you see Paul using his influence for God's glory?

2,) Why do we sometimes hesitate to share the Gospel? What keeps us from using our influence to spread God's name?

3.) Have you had opportunities lately to share the Gospel that you passed up? What would you do differently next time?

Ask God to give you the courage to share the Gospel with someone, and that He will open doors for you to do so.

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