Live Freely

John 8:36
“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”
It is the fourth of July. Today in 1776 the United States was declared a free country. Whenever we think of this day we think of fireworks, cookouts, the lake, or vacations. Maybe you are celebrating this weekend at the lake, beach, or mountains. You may just stay home and spend time with family. However, as you read this I want you to remember this statistic. 1.3 Million. This is the number of how many Americans paid the ultimate sacrifice so that we can celebrate our independence today. 1.3 Million left their jobs, families, hobbies, and their hometowns to go fight and die for the country that they loved so that we can celebrate like we are today. Because of this, we are able to worship and pray together every week without hesitation. Do we thought?
Like I said we have the freedom to worship and pray. However, we tend to focus on what other people think or do to determine how we worship or pray. You may find yourself not worshiping because you are embarrassed for your friends to hear you sing. You may not pray because you don't want others to hear you pray. Whatever it is we allow these things to keep us from showing the freedom that only Christ can give. In order to experience this type of freedom, we must first get away from the things that keep us away from Christ. That may be a hobby, work, friends, or sin in your life. Jesus went to the cross to shed His blood for you to set you free from sin. The more you untie yourself from the world the closer you draw to Jesus. When you start to let Jesus change your worship and prayer become more meaningful
1.3 million Americans didn't care what others thought about their decision to go fight. I believe they understood their risk was high, but they fought and died for something they believed in. The disciples preached the Gospel and died for what they believed. They all did this unashamed and we remember their sacrifices today. Today we celebrate by shooting fireworks, wearing red white, or blue, and cooking out because we want to unashamedly celebrate our Independence as a nation. The question must be asked, Are you ashamed to show your freedom in Christ? Let's celebrate both our freedom as a nation, more importantly, celebrate our freedom from sin.
God thank you for allowing me to live in a country where I can worship and pray freely. I pray that I don't take that for granted, and I ask that you give me the courage to stand up and live the life you have called me to live. Let me never forget the sacrifice you gave which was your son, so that I can live free from sin. 

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